
Celebration of Baptism(Chrzty)

You must be an active registered member of Holy Cross Church. Baptisms are by appointment only. Please stop into the rectory office to schedule your child's Baptism.

Times for Baptisms are as follows: Saturday at 5:30 right after the 4:30 Vigil Mass &
Sunday at 12:30pm right after the Polish 11:30am Mass.

Celebration of Marriage(Sluby)
Arrangements should be made with the Pastor at least 6 months in advance. You must be an active registered member of Holy Cross Church.
Zglasza c sie 6 miesiecy przed Slubem.

Visitation of the Sick (Odwiedzanie Chorych)
Anyone wishing to receive the Sacraments at home because of illness or age please contact the Rectory office. Please notify the Rectory if a parishioner is in the Hospital or Convalescent Home.
Ktokolwiek zyczy sobie przyac Sakramenty Swiete w domu z powodu choroby lub podeszlego wieku powinien zawiadomicplebanie. Jezeli parafianin znajduje sie w szpitalu lub w "Domu Opieki" prosimy o przekazanie informacji na plebanie.